Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is a poster done for my sister's event. main tool used = computer.

The computer is an amazing instrument/tool when designing. However.. I feel that a problem has occurred within a lot of designers. The computer has been subjected to being the only tool in creating design. So although the composition and type has been ordered neatly to invoke dramatic movement.. along with a lot of other elements, I'm not to fund of this peace. Just as ratatouille put it, "mixing two different types of food together, creates something new and exciting." Great movie by the way and if your an artist you'll understand. So maybe I could have added an illustration.. or photography, or maybe collage.. Ooor. I dunno, what do you think?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I worked with Redemption Hill Church to create their Identity. Includes: Logo Design, Image Logo, Banners (horizontal/vertical), brochures, Bookmarks, Stationary, Biz Card,.. maybe and hopefully more. Working w/ rh church was one of the first freelance jobs I've had and was an awesome first experience.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Experimental Type > Identity "Ground Wrk Studios" > Having a Foundation in design and building upwards.. It was a fun project to tackle and I would probably do many things differently. Maybe someday I'll revisit this. My client/teacher pushed for more chaos & eligibility with every project. Which, I don't believe chaos & eligibility is necessary when it comes with experimenting with type. Although balanced and orderly chaos is an amazing thing, I occasionally enjoy the cleanliness of legibility...

Monday, September 7, 2009


Guide Book for One-Way Streets of downtown RVA. If you're like me, you hate one-way streets. Why not a one-way st. guide book. Color palette inspired by the 80's and Lupe Fiasco.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Type Experimentation


Experimental type project : On John Cage
John Cage is an experimental musician who is inspired by randomness in chaos and silence
{ Watch }

Medium: Photomontage, Photography, Computer

He really got me thinking about how we perceive things, such as sound. Sound,.. something that can't be defined, but felt.
He quotes Emanuel Cant saying "There are two things that don't have to mean anything. One, music,.. and the other laughter. They don't have to mean anything that is in order to give us deep pleasure."

I Tried to capture his philosophy of sound Through this poster. In John Cage's most famous piece 4'33, he coveys to the audience that the lack sound isn't silence, rather unexpected noises or in other words chaos. Almost like listening to traffic... this isn't necessarily pleasant. In reflecting this, I photomontaged printed quotes. I then cut all the type into small slits of paper, layered duplicates, and took pictures of the individual quotes. The purpose of this was to show depth and chaos, in order to mirror an unsettling response. Sound from Silence.

21"x8" Screen Print
Knowing the answer to something is one thing,... knowing how you got that answer for why it is the answer, is another story. Though I am a hypocrite, we need to take the time to Understand... .Technology has enabled easy access to information, so let us retain it. Nobody wants look at himself in the mirror and then forget what he looks like as soon as he leaves.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Project about something special to me.. I believe Will Godwin has my back pack now.. Its called 'A Back Pack of Mine'... I should probably redo it and change the binding of it. 5"x7"